This advanced 3-day course gives students a more in-depth and greater understanding of hydraulics.
Course Description:
This course will incorporate what you learn from the basic course seminar and allow you to develop complete hydraulic schematics. In addition, it will cover remote control of pressure valves, bleed off orifices, using pilot valves and introducing proportional and servo control valves. The student will be able to perform labs to control multiple actuators while maintaining flow and pressure. Other hands-on exercises that the student will perform are operation and setup of load sense pumps, closed loop systems, screw-in cartridge valve, sandwich stack valves and proportional control valves.
Course Equipment:
- Hands-on simulators for building advanced labs
- Operating hydrostatic pump and motor unit
- Operating pressure compensated, load sense piston pump
- Operating servo valve
- Directional, relief and flow slip in cartridges
- Component take-apart kits.
To get the most out of this class, the student should have previously completed our 3-day Basic Hands-On Hydraulics Training and Troubleshooting Seminar or have equivalent knowledge.
Course Material Provided:
Rexroth’s Using Industrial Hydraulics textbook by T.C. Frankenfeld, our Volume 3 – Industrial Fluid Power textbook, our Fluid Power Data Booklet, a Presentation Manual and a lab exercise manual.
Class Size:
Class size will be limited to 12 students.
Class Schedule:
Class sessions usually begin at 8:00 AM each day and will end no later than 4:00 PM. Lunch will be provided and is included in the tuition. There will be regular breaks with soft drinks, coffee and bottled water. The student will receive a certificate of completion for attending all four sessions.